School Services


1,860 food bags for 412 students- $149,701

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scholarships - $13,500

Gift Card

food gift cards for 412 students - $23,515

49 life skills classes
attended by 70 students

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school pantries in 7 schools serving 750 students - $2,000/month

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holiday gifts for 102 students - $31,500

Student Wrap-around Services

903 hours of mental health therapy
Happy girl
$4,970 food pantry service
$4,235 food gift cards
2,184 nights of safe housing
$4,100 living stipends

Student Success

17 high school seniors

  • 6 are working full time.

  • 11 are working part-time and are attending community college

4 high school juniors

1 high school sophomore

29 high school graduates

1 4-year BS program graduate

1 5-year Ph.D. program graduate


1 four-year reenlistment in the Marines.